Purebred Bluegill

Spawning: Peak spawning in Ohio occurs in mid-May to mid-June, when water temperatures are 65-70 degrees. Nests are usually in water 1-4 feet deep on sand or gravel bottom, or on other bottom substrates, even in heavily vegetated area.
Food: Insects, insect larvae, small fish, fish eggs, and plant materials.
Adult Size: Normally 8-10 inches, depending on habitat and population.
Identification: A deep slab-sided fish with a small mouth and a long pectoral fin. Colors vary, however the ear flap is always black and bluegills often have a black blotch near the end of the soft dorsal fin.
2-3” | OUT OF STOCK |
3-4” | $1.25 |
4-5” | OUT OF STOCK |
6” | $4.75 |
To order fish, please call or email the Fin Farm. Fish sizes, prices and availability are subject to change.